What People Say About Us

“These reports are really doing their job and our building manager looks forward to receiving his weekly updates. We are learning so much about what is working and what we are told is happening. Keep the info coming and THANKS James and the Eco-monitor team.”

Yvonne Smith, Property Director, Helix Property Advisors

“My thoughts on your reporting and the visibility of Eco-monitor. One word – excellent! The reporting is full of great information that is easy to read and the charts showing what is going on in the building are very clear and updated regularly”

Ken Wickenden, Building Manager, The Mille, Brentford


Strategic Energy Planning

We think strategic and act practical

As the global debate on climate change becomes increasingly relevant to us all on both a commercial and environmental level, organisations require more help and support to manage these challenges. In our experience we find that they have a strong desire to improve their energy efficiency as well as their environmental credentials, but do not have the time, resource or knowledge to achieve their objectives and aspirations.

Eco-monitor provides you with this – time, resource, consistent focus and the technical and market know how to ensure that you achieve not only your objectives but also your aspirations.

We also possess the strategic skills and commercial acumen to support you in every part of your organisation, from Board Level engagement through to operational understanding and interface.

What we do

We support our clients with their strategic planning in two ways;

  • Short term project to create your Strategic Energy Plan.
  • Strategic partnership, creating the Strategic Energy Plan in the initial phase and then supporting the implementation, coordination and facilitation of the process, ensuring it is kept on track.

How we do it

Using our knowledge and resource in energy management techniques, we combine this with our knowledge and skill of designing and delivering strategic plans. We ensure success by providing support during and following the implementation of the plan by using a clearly defined and practical process.

What we deliver

Your Environmental Goals Are Clearly Defined, Credible and Transparent

  • Specific and measurable goals for energy and water use.
  • Specific and measurable goals for C02 emissions.

Optimise Your Operational Efficiency

  • Clearly defined and specific targets and KPI’.s
  • Performance management tools.
  • Responsibility and accountability.
  • Promote teamwork.

Enhance Your Company/Brand Image

  • Communicate your achievements with confidence.
  • Positive PR to your customers/employees/shareholders.
  • Gives you a competitive advantage.

Support Your Financial Performance

  • Reduction in energy and water costs.
  • Help control maintenance costs.
  • Avoid legislative penalties and reduce exposure to energy taxes such as CRC.
  • Fact based decision-making to eliminate costly mistakes.
  • Robust visibility of ROI on energy and water projects.
  • Enhanced budgeting and forecasting process.
  • Improve the revenue line.